So who are the creators of

Hi, my name is Linda and our story is quite a long one. It all started one day when I was seven years old and my parents decided to go gambling at a nearby casino. I was of course left behind with my grandmother as my folks decided to paint the town red.

I still remember hearing adults screaming at the top of their voices at 2am in the morning. At first I thought it was my gran, poor old lady was scared of a lot of things bless her soul but it wasn’t my gran – it was my mother and boy did she have reason to celebrate.

Rushing through the front door, she came in screaming “we won, we won, we won the freaking jackpot!” With Mr. Cuddles under my arm, I jumped off my bed and ran downstairs to get the full story. I haven’t seen my dad that happy in quite some time (mind you I was just seven years old, so I hadn’t seen much), however, both my folks were too excited to sleep or explain.

They made me hot cocoa, gave me a blanket and told the whole story from the beginning and it was one of the best stories I’ve ever heard. It wasn’t the story per say, it was more of how it was shared, how my mom would interrupt my dad in the middle to add notes, comments or jokes and vice versa.

From that night, the casino and jackpot seed was planted and there was no turning back. Fast forward and my love for casinos has successfully moved online and honey let me tell that the love has simply grown and continues to do so. Not only am I an online casino player, but jackpots are what I love and at times live for because I mean duh – it’s a jackpot!


Not an addict, but occasional gambler, I sometimes hated the tedious struggle of having to search for the top paying jackpot and with online casinos, things tend to change quite a lot.

And so was born. This site wouldn’t exist without the following people:

  • Mom and dad for the inspiring story
  • Mike my geeky lover and best friend
  • Taylor my occasional gambler
  • Gran purely because she was there when the seed was planted


Go Questions? Drop me a mail.

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